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SMINT, Aplikasi Gratis Untuk Kasir Toko

Satu lagi kabar bagus bagi anda para pelaku bisnis khususnya di bidang jual beli atau mungkin lebih tepatnya usaha di bidang Toko atau sejenisnya. Kabar baiknya karena kini sudah tersedia sebuah software atau Aplikasi untuk mengelola semua transaksi dan sebagainya di toko anda, dan kabar yang lebih baiknya lagi karena Aplikasi ini bisa anda dapatkan secara cuma-cuma alis gratis. Nama Software tersebut yaitu SMINT, yang saya tahu aplikasi SMINT ini sampai sekarang sudah versi 1.12 Build 45 (SMINT 1.12 Build 45). Aplikasi SMINT ini dikembangkan oleh Software Developer TiwiNet, kenapa bisa gratis? jawaban mereka sederhana, yaitu untuk memajukan usaha kecil dan menengah.
Mereka (pengembang) berharap dengan adanya program ini dapat memajukan Dunia IT dinegara tercinta kita ini dan meningkatkan roda perekonomian perusahaan dengan menggunakan program gratis  ini tentunya.  Sebuah niat dan usaha yang sangat mulia menurut saya, mengingat kalo dilihat dari segi fiturnya saja kalo di komersilkan bisa mencapai harga jutaan. Tapi mereka memberikannya buat kita secara gratis demi tujuan mulia tersebut.

Sekilas tentang fitur SMINT 1.12 Build 45
Program ini dapat menangani pembelian (cash dan kredit), penjualan (cash dan kredit), pembayaran hutang, penerimaan piutang, stock opname dan masih banyak lagi. Penggunaan program ini di rancang sedemikian rupa sehingga mudah untuk digunakan, dalam program ini juga terbilang minim penggunaan mouse guna mempercepat input data transaksi, jadi diharapkan bagi kita yang sebelumnya pernah menggunakan aplikasi stock berbasis DOS merasa familiar dengan program ini.
Program ini dibuat dengan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman Visual Basic 6.0 Enterprise, sedangkan laporan dibuat dengan Seagate Crystal Report 7, untuk Database menggunakan MySQL 4.0.21 (Sudah include didalam installernya), kalo anda ingin meng-upgrade databasenya ke versi yang lebih tinggi tentu akan lebih baik lagi. Kenapa menggunakan MySQL sebagai database, (menurut pengembangnya) karena cepat, ringan dan tidak membutuhkan spesifikasi hardware yang terlalu tinggi untuk digunakan sebagai server. Kemudian untuk pembuatan faktur penjualan bisa menggunakan printer Dot Matrix (Epson LX300/800/DLL) dan menggunakan kertas Continuos Form.

  • Laporan Rugi/Laba Penjualan.
  • Penjualan Item Terbanyak.
  • POS (Point Of Sales).
  • Control Hutang/Piutang.
  • Dll. (silahkan coba dulu).

System Yang Dibutuhkan (minimal):
  • Intel Pentium II 266 MHZ atau yang lebih tinggi.
  • 500 MB Hardisk.
  • 128 MB RAM.
  • Sistem Operasi Windows 2000/XP (Belum Mendukung Windows Vista/7).
  • LAN Card.
Untuk Login menggunakan,
  • User Name: admin
  • Password: admin
Saya sudah sertakan Panduannya satu paket di dalamnya, jadi silahkan download lewat link di bawah.

Selamat mencoba dan semoga bermanfaat, jangan lupa tinggalkan komentar ya.. :)

Cara Verifikasi PayPal Tanpa Kartu Kredit ataupun VCC

Dulu pas pertamakali saya mencoba untuk daftar akun PayPal, saya mengalami kesulitan di bagian verifikasi karena waktu itu kita memang diharuskan mempunyai kartu kredit agar bisa di verifikasi. Yeah, waktu kejadian itu pula saya merasa bahwa hilang sudah harapan saya untuk mulai merambah bisnis online karena tidak memungkinkan (mungkin belum, hehe..) bagi saya untuk bisa punya kartu kredit karena saya hanya mempunyai rekening bank saja itu pun dengan saldo yang selalu kritis, hehe... :D
Lama saya membuang angan-angan untuk masuk ke dunia bisnis online, akhirnya hati saya mulai tergugah untuk cari-cari info lagi di internet siapa tahu ada jalan alternatif lain buat bisa menghasilkan cien atau uang melalui hobi internet saya. Dan, finally.... saya menemukan info yang sangat berguna buat saya di cafeblogger yang mengabarkan bahwa sekarang untuk verifikasi akun PayPal tidak perlu lagi menggunakan kartu kredit ataupun VCC.
 PayPal menerima metode verifikasi yang sama sekali baru, yaitu melalui rekening Bank Lokal. Jadi, asalkan kita punya rekening di Bank, kita sudah bisa memiliki PayPal yang terverifikasi. Kita tidak perlu lagi keluar uang untuk beli VCC atau pusing ngurus biaya tahunan Kartu Kredit.
Mungkin posting saya ini memang sudah terlambat mengingat kabar gembira tersebut sudah cukup lama buming di internet. Tapi tak ada salahnya saya paparkan kembali disini siapa tahu di antara teman-teman masih ada yang belum tahu juga. Baiklah, bagi yang memang belum tahu dan mau mencobanya sekarang, silahkan simak dan praktekan dengan mengikuti langkah-langkahnya sebagai berikut:

  • Arahkan mouse anda ke menu "Profil" dan klik menu "Tambah/Edit Rekening Bank".
  • Silahkan masukkan nama bank dan nomor rekening anda. Untuk "Kode Bank" nya bisa di dapatkan disini:
  • Setelah semuanya diisi dengan lengkap dan benar, klik "Submit".
  • Selanjutnya silahkan anda tunggu sekitar 1-3 hari karena dalam jangka waktu tersebut anda akan mendapatkan 2 (dua) kiriman ke rekening anda dari PayPal dan masing-masing nilainya 2 (dua) digit. Misal: Rp. 15 dan Rp. 10. Jadi jangan lupa untuk cek buku rekening anda.
  • Setelah di rekening anda sudah ada kiriman dari PayPal, silahkan anda log in ke akun PayPal anda. Jika ini pertama kali anda login lagi ke akun PayPal, anda akan ditanyai security answer. Pilih saja pertanyaannya dan jawab oleh anda juga.
  • Klik link "Dapatkan status terverifikasi".
  • Selanjutnya klik link "Confirm Bank Account." atau "Konfirmasi Akun Bank".
  • Masukkan 2 (dua) nilai yang dikirimkan PayPal ke rekening anda. Disana ada 2 form, masukkan sesuai nilai yang dikirimkan PayPal. Contoh 15 dan 10.
  • Selesai, sekarang akun PayPal anda sudah terverifikasi. Selamat ya... :D

Video: Accident Death Marco Simoncelli and Chronology of his death

Sad news again came from the race. This time the victim was a circuit rider ferociously defending MotoGP Honda Gresini Team, Marco Simoncelli.Simoncelli crashed after unable to control the vehicle when jockeyed for position four. Here is a video of accidents and death chronology of Marco Simoncelli:

Italian MotoGP rider Marco Simoncelli died after a horrific accident at the Malaysian Grand Prix at Sepang, Sunday, October 23, 2011.
Simoncelli, 24, falls on the second lap after his vehicle lost control while fighting for fourth position.
Unfortunately, behind Simoncelli there is Colin Edwards. The collision was inevitable. Edwards seemed to be braking the vehicle but failed. Meanwhile Rossi had managed to roll his Ducati.
"He's a very serious trauma to the head, neck and chest," said medical director Michele Macchiagodena Malaysian Grand Prix as quoted by Reuters on Sunday, September 23, 2011.
When the medical officer to help him, Simoncelli who strengthens Honda Gresini team unconscious. When in the ambulance, her heart stopped, so that medics perform cardiac pulmonary resuscitation (CPR), ie first aid techniques on the victim to normalize the heartbeat.
Arriving at the Medical Center, with the help of the staff physician, he was intubated for removing blood from the cavity throax. "CPR efforts continued until 45 minutes later, as we tried to help as long as possible," he said.
Unfortunately they could not help him. At 16:56 or 15:56 pm, Simoncelli declared dead. A number of football clubs that competed last night, a moment of silence for the departure of Simoncelli.
Meanwhile, Yamaha, Edwards also had fallen off his motorbike, but not seriously injured. While Rossi was able to persuade the Ducati back to the pits.
Macchiagodena added, "(Edwards) suffered a dislocated shoulder and the shoulder is now in a state of anesthesia is fine."

There's a Ghost in Concert Agnes Monica

There is a special time 'Geisha' appears to be an opening band concert 'Agnes Monica' held in 'JATIM EXPO', Surabaya, Indonesia on Saturday night (23 / 7). The reason is, there is one 'special guest' in a concert entitled "Smartfren, Live Smart Agnes Monica Live in Concert" ini.
In the photo shots reporter, when the band performed kicked off the stage, clouds of smoke
which leads to a backdrop screen seemed to form one of the 'special', a flying ghost! In this formation, can be seen clearly two hands with claws that looked pretty awful.
Inevitably, the issue of concerts which 'attended' ghost appeared again. Earlier, in concert D'Masiv band in Papua, Indonesia in 2009 ago, a shadowy figure appeared to be ghost-like 'uninvited guests'. Appearance, long-haired woman on the stage even this was no doubt stir the fans D'Masiv band at the time.
Until this news was revealed, there has been no further confirmation related to this terrible apparition of the band 'Geisha' and the organizers.

The Layers of Earth

Based on the research, the earth has three layers, namely as follows:

  • CRUST EARTH (lithosphere)
Lithosphere that taste is a hard layer at the topmost layer of the earth. When compared with other layers, the innermost layer of the lithosphere is thin, cold and hard. On the land surface, its thickness reaches 30-70 km, whereas in oceanic and volcanic areas can be decreased up to 50-10 km. This layer covers the surface of the earth for approximately 1% of the volume of the earth

This layer is between the earth's crust and the core of the earth, with a thickness of approximately 2,900 km. This layer consists of two parts, the lower mantle and upper mantle.
Another name the upper mantle is the asthenosphere, which consists of a viscous fluid and heat (magma). This layer is a section that looks like melted plastic, its thickness is about 100-200 km.

The diameter of the globe about 12,746 km.
Contained in the mantle magma over the earth contains iron, magnesium and calcium are more than those in the outer skin of the earth. surface temperature of the magma in the earth's core is close to 4000 Degrees Celsius. Due to the Earth's mantle is very hot, then the movement becomes slow.

The core layer at the center of the globe consists of two layers, the outer core and inner core. The core layer at a depth of 2900-6370 km. The thickness of the outer core about 2,200 km and is composed of liquid iron and nickel. The temperature in this layer can reach 4500 Degrees Celsius. Meanwhile, at the core of its thickness reaches 1250 km. In this layer the temperature can rise to more than 6,000 Degrees Celsius. Although it has cooled for 4.5 billion years, the core is still hot. This is what affects the earth's magnetic field.



Snakes are reptiles that long bodied, lean, and scaly. This not-legged animals, but can move faster than humans, both in the bushes or on the ground surface is not flat. Rapid movement of a snake that is caused by belly scales that stick and the right foot in a place that does not mean or rude. However, the snake can not move on slippery surfaces, like glass.
Clearly, the snake does not have hands, no legs, no ears, and her eyes were lidded. Snake eyes covered by scales only nodes that can not be moved.
Snake deaf because they do not have holes and the eardrum. However, the snake is able to receive vibrations from outside. This is caused "Jacobson's organ" that serves as the sense of smell and taste.
The workings of this organ is assisted by a snake's tongue is often the stick out of the muzzle. The tongue serves to capture the excitement. Once the tongue is pulled into the muzzle, the stimulation is channeled through the gland to the "Jacobson's Organ".
The snake is a vertebrate. Snake has approximately 150 to 430 vertebrae, depending on the species. The body consists of a snake skeleton, ribs, and spine.


There are two groups of approaches in defining the system, namely the emphasis on the procedure and the stresses on the components or elements.
1. Systems approach with emphasis on procedure defines the system as follows:
"A system is a network of procedures which are interconnected, gathered together to perform an activity or to accomplish a certain goal".
According to Jerry FitzGerald, Ardra F. Fitzgerald and Warren D. Stallings, Jr.., Defines the procedure as follows:

"A procedure is the proper sequence of steps of instructions that explain what (What) What to do, Who (Who) are working on it, When (When) do and How (How) do"
2. Systems approach is more emphasis on the element or component thereof defines this system as follows:

"The system is a collection of elements that interact to achieve a certain goal"
"The system is a set of elements (subsystems) are interlinked or integrated with a view to achieving a goal".
Both groups of the definition is correct and not contradictory, that is different is how to approach. Systems approach which is a collection of elements or components or subsystems is a broader definition. This definition is more widely accepted, because the fact that a system can consist of several subsystems or system parts. For example, the accounting system can consist of several subsystems, namely sales accounting subsystem, the subsystem of purchase accounting, payroll accounting subsystem, subsystem cost accounting and so forth.

How to Delete a Google Account

Removing steps Google Account:

  • click "Close account and delete all services and info is concerned with those services." next to the bottom "delete account".
  • tick all the products you want to delete and enter your account password, then click "Delete Google Account".

  • is completed.

Create an Account Google Mail (Gmail)

These steps create a Google Mail (Gmail):

  • its contents all form fields.
  • if all columns are filled with a complete, click "I accept. Create my account."

  • verification of your account, select the verification option and enter its phone number, then click "send verification code".

  • If you have received a message or a phone call that sends the verification code from Google, enter the code right into the "verification code" then click "Verify". Or if within 15 minutes not yet received it, click "try again".

  • click "Show me my account".

  • Done, you've managed to create a Google Mail or Gmail account.


Langkah-langkah Membeli Domain di

Kali ini saya akan posting Langkah-langkah Membeli Domain di karena dalam setiap penyedia domain memiliki metode atau langkah yang berbeda , meskipun semua prosedur pada dasarnya sama satu sama lain. Mengapa harus salahsatu alasan saya memutuskan untuk memilih domain dari GriyaHosting.Com adalah yang pertama, relatif lebih murah dari yang lain terutama untuk domain "COM.". Kedua, kebetulan saya juga adalah  pelanggan dari Griya Hosting itu sendiri sehingga tutorial yang akan saya berikan disini adalah hasil dari pengalaman saya sendiri, jadi mungkin akan lebih mudah bagi saya untuk mengeksposnya.
Oke, langsung saja ya. Bagi yang berminat dan masih bingung karena belum tahu bagaimana caranya, silakan ikuti petunjuknya di sini.
Oh ya, sekedar info, untuk melakukan pemesanan atau pembelian domain di harus dilakukan pada hari kerja kantor Griya hosting yaitu hari Senin s/d Jumat jam 8:30-16:00.
Berikut langkah-langkahnya:
  • Pertama kunjungi website nya disini:
  • Klik "Beli Domain Saja" yang terletak di menu sebelah kiri.
  • Selanjutnya silahkan baca dulu syarat dan kondisi dari perjanjian yang berlaku di kemudian klik "SAYA SETUJU, LANJUTKAN ORDER".
  • Pada halaman berikutnya periksa apakah nama domain yang Anda ingin beli masih tersedia atau tidak. Ketik nama domain yang Anda inginkan dalam kolom "www" contoh: suwanditea (Tanpa akhiran .com atau ekstensi lainnya), persis di bagian bawah klik domain ekstention yang Anda inginkan, isi huruf verifikasi kata yang tepat dan yang terakhir klik "Look up". lihat gambar:
  • Jika nama domain yang yang anda inginkan belum ada yang menggunakan atau yang masih tersedia, maka akan muncul pemberitahuan bahwa domain Anda masih tersedia. begitu juga sebaliknya. Klik "Order Now" untuk tahap berikutnya.
  • Ceklis kedua Addons dan kemudian klik "Update Cart".
  • Pada halaman berikutnya masukkan semua data pada kolom yang disediakan, jangan lupa untuk klik atau centang "I have read and agree to the terms of service" kemudian klik "Complete Order".
  • Setelah langkah di atas dilakukan dengan benar, maka selanjutnya Anda tinggal mengirim/transfer uang ke sesuai harga yang telah terdaftar di website-nya. Sebelum Anda mengirim uang atau transfer, silahkan buka dulu email Anda dan baca semua pesan dari
  • Untuk pengiriman dapat dilakukan melalui Paypal atau melalui transfer rekening bank yang terdaftar di situs website
  • Jika uang sudah dikirim, maka Anda lakukan Konfirmasi sebagai bukti bahwa Anda sudah mengirim uang keGriya Hosting. Caranya sebagai berikut:
  • Buka website Griya Hosting disini:
  • Kemudian Klik "Konfirmasi Pembayaran" yang terletah di menu sebelah kiri.
  • Setelah Anda klik pada menu, Anda ditawarkan suatu bentuk konfirmasi pembayaran. Silahkan mengisi semua kolom dengan data yang lengkap dan kemudian klik sesuai "kirim".
  • Selanjutnya, Griya Hosting akan memproses permintaan dan semua kelengkapan data yang Anda kirim. Silakan lanjutkan dan periksa email Anda untuk konfirmasi. semua info dari Griya Hosting akan dikirim melalui email. Demikian juga dengan pemberitahuan email yang membeli domain Anda berhasil. Sebagai contoh dari ini adalah capture email saya dari Griya Hosting yang memberitahu bahwa membeli domain telah berhasil:
  • Selesai, domain Anda selesai dan siap untuk digunakan. Anda tinggal menerapkan pengaturan untuk menghubungkan domain baru Anda dengan hosting blogger atau website Anda. Bagi yang belum tahu caranya, silahkan baca tutorial di sini:Setting the Domain of "Griya Hosting" on Blogger.

Creating Automatic Translate on Blog or Website

Now Google has released a feature to make your website can be read in 51 languages ​​automatically. This feature is Website Translator Gadget name that was released by using the engine from Google Translate.
Now, when there are visitors enter your site and when their language (which is determined from using that language in their browser) differs from the language on your site, then they will automatically be given a banner notification language to translate your site into their language.
But if their browser language similar to language in your web page, the Website Translator Gadget will not display banners or notification to translate your site. When they chose translate your site, then they can read your site in a language they want.
If you are interested in using it, please follow these steps:
  • go to page
  • In "Step 1: Type your translation element", select "Add translations to all web pages"
  • "Step 2: Language", "Select the language of your webpage:" fill in the original language of your website
  • "Step 3", "language translation" select: "All languages".
  • "Step 4: Copy and paste this code snippet into your web page", click to block all of them, right click and copy.
  • Login to your Blogger account, click "Design", then "Page Elements", then "Add a Gadget"
  • Select "HTML/JavaScript".
  • Paste the code you've copied, then "SAVE"
Please try to open your blog or website using multiple browsers with different settings .. language website / blog you will be automatically transformed into the same language with the language of visitors (based on the browser language is used). In addition, visitors also can translate / view your blog or website in 51 different languages ​​manually.

Video traffic policeman in Subang Bripka Karno Acrobat His Top Motor Patrol

Not long ago a video appeared of traffic policeman Subang West Java Police, Bripka Karno Suroyo (55), juggle jolly ride a motorcycle patrol in the middle of a crowded street.

Video acrobatics Bripka Karno motorhome for a dozen miles in segment Jl Jl Raya Cijambe Ciater to this, a citizen uploaded to Youtube on October 4, 2011, under the title 'Aksi Akrobatik Polantas Subang'.

In the video duration was 5 minutes 29 seconds, Karno show off skills regulate traffic on the bike patrol. With both hands to work the traffic, both feet still resting on the footing of an oncoming motorcycle.

With the motor running fast, Karno able to wash their hands in the bag despite jakan motorcycle cornering and climbing, can lay his body on the seat with leg was showing some style. In fact, he was able to overtake a car with loose hands from the steering wheel.
To a number of media that has been mewancarainya, Karno, who nicknamed Uwak said death-defying action is not the first time to do and not to seek sensation. Therefore, this action has been dilakoninya since the last five years. According to him, the purpose is solely to entertain.
In fact, the attraction of his patrol motorcycle stunt riding can be done with a speed of about 80 km / h with tracks such as lane straight road lintasna pantura and small and winding roads such as Southern bustling Subang passing vehicles.


Setting Domain of Griya Hosting on Blogger

Helo friends ... this time I will share my experience when setting the Domain of in my Blogger, The reason I want to share this because when I first bought the domain. Com from the confusion I had experienced since I do not know where I should start setting the DNS settings as well as a sequel. As time went on, finally met after I browse it too, hehe ... just yes ..
Here are the steps:

  1. Setting DNS on
  • login to:
  • klik "Login", input email and password to your account. If you fail to login or forgot your password, just click the "Forgot Password" later it will be sent the password to your email account. 
  • if the login was successful, klik "My Account".
  • up a new tab in your browser, point the mouse cursor to the "Domains", click "List All Orders".
  • click the domain name will be on setting.
  • click the menu tab "DNS" then click "Activate DNS".
  • click the "Auto-update nameservers" then click the "Manage DNS".
  • a new page or pop ups on your browser, click the menu tab "CNAME Records" then click "Add CNAME Record".
  • in the "host name" content with the: www then "Value" her choose the bottom (as shown) and the content of his column with: then click the "Add Record".
  • the message that the configuration was successful.

    The next setting in blogger, the following steps:

2. domain setting in blogger
  • click "Custom Domain".
  • click "Switch to advanced settings".
  • in the "Your Domain" content to have your domain name that had previously been in its DNS settings on griya hosting. do not forget to be equipped with "www" in the beginning, for example: or
  • the "verification word" contents identical to the letters written on it (must be the same).
  • click "SAVE SETTINGS".
  • completed, usually in the DNS setup process takes approximately blogger for 1 day, so please be patient :D, good luck ..

Making Read more function or Read more at Blog Blogger

If previously we always have to tamper with our Blogger blog via the "Edit HTML" to add the function "Read more", "More" or the like (eg on the thumbnail image), certainly it will trouble us who do not understand or are often lazy in fiddling with the HTML code (I am one of them, hehe ..: D).
Well good news for all of us because now to add functionality Read more or else I have mentioned above, do not bother with HTML Edit options as we always used before because now Blogger already provides the functionality for all of us. It may be news of this Suwanditea been little stale, but I think everyone knows all of my friends there who do not know or not know that until now by Blog Suwanditea.
The name of the facility is "Insert jump break" reportedly does this facility was launched to complement the present-day anniversary celebration of the 10th Blogger, located on the menu bar entry. Let me be more clear, the following picture:

Way too easy to just click the menu "Insert jump break" when they were creating or editing articles / entries will display a sign as follows:

And when the entry is already completed, then you can see the results. The example in the article "Earth" on my blog:

Then to change to change the words "Read More" her, (for example, we want to replace his writings with the "Read more"), step-scarcity as follows:
  • Click the "Design" on your blog Dashboard.
  • Then click "Edit" the Elements "Posting Blog".
  • Type the text in the column "Link text entry page:" with the sentence that you want to use as a function Read more on your Blog.
  • Click "save" and you're done. 
How, it is easier ..? and certainly much simpler because we do not have to bother fiddling with Blogger Edit HTML us to add functionality Read more.
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