Jasmine slalu Hepi, a Facebook account that makes some people furious with the Indonesia-status Status (I think) purposely made solely to break belahkan harmony among the people of our religion are always harmonious. I wonder what the reason and purpose out the words that very inappropriate to say, especially about religion. I myself feel terlecehkan because I as a Muslim Indonesia as a child even since birth always taught with the name "Mutual Respect" fellow Believers to always Pillars and Tranquility, but "Jasmine slalu Hepi" blatant attempt "to provoke" Harmony has we keep all this time. now with his statements that insult the Prophet Muhammad. I think he's just trying to "provoke" and break belahkan this Nation.
As information, account FB "Jasmine slalu Hepi" insulting the Prophet Muhammad. in 'favorite quotes / her favorite quotations' and on its walls, as well as status updates blatant "abuse" of the Apostle.I tried again last fitting to see the account "Jasmine slalu Hepi" (March 30, 2011, 23:44 hours), it is not there. may already be in the same block admin. Of course, for my friends who have not had time to see what kind of insult that made the jasmine and feel curious, I dared try to include it in this post in hopes merely as material for information in order to further strengthen our brotherhood and again further increase the longer a feeling of respect or appreciate and respect between Religious in our environment. Good friends do not fall for that anger will only worsen the situation ..
*) Click on the image to see a whole.
Again, the intent and purpose I include this picture merely as a mere information, materials for us to be able to further strengthen again kinship and further enhance the flavor longer respect or appreciate and respect between people of Religion in our environment, not to confuse the situation because I think this is very risky .. Wassalam ...